O'Naturals Natural Hair Salon

O'Naturals Natural Hair Salon 

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O'Naturals Natural Hair Salon
O'Naturals Natural Hair Salon is pretty small, but they are pretty well-staffed so you should be attended to almost immediately!Ambiance: O’Naturals Natural Hair Salon is pretty small, but they are pretty well-staffed so you should be attended to almost immediately!Service: Deep Conditioning Treatment, Trim and Twistout. Twistout because these Youtube Naturalista’s always be trying me, my twist outs never look like theirs and I AM TIRED B.Price: I paid N6,000 for everything . Which is a steal tbh because for this they can easily charge you N10k upwards on the Island. You know mainland been holding ya girl down for a minute now. Although they had one very foolish charge for “De-tangling” to which I fought because in my mind I’m like “Umm hey sis, you would have done that regardless before washing my hair, so why is there a fee?” They sha r...More>